Thursday, December 31, 2020

New Years & 7 Hour Shoyu Ramen

It is 10:30 PM as I'm typing this. I had a few beers, some good food and am currently waiting for midnight to come. I could give a retrospective on how my year went, but thinking about it makes me want to have a stroke, so I'll just share about the shoyu ramen and cheese gyoza I made to celebrate today. 

Last year, I tackled tonkotsu ramen, which is a pork bone based ramen. This year I'm trying a soy sauce (shoyu) based ramen. Like the previous recipe, I followed Mike Satinover a.k.a ramen_lord's collection of ramen recipe's. This ramen is based off of Tokyo's style of shoyu ramen.

I made some mistakes in the process, but in the end I learned and enjoyed prepping and eating the end product. I served it alongside cheese gyoza, which is just regular pork gyoza with cheese seared on the top and bottom. 

Besides eating and drinking all day, yeah nothing to write home about, really.

I honestly don't want to wish anyone a happy new year, because I know that's never the case. So I hope whatever endeavors and hardships you guys encounter in life this coming year are met with resolve and closure? Idk, I'm total shit with words. 

Cheers, see you guys next year (that line is so dumb lmao)

It doesn't look like much, but this bitch was deep 

I used sharp cheddar, but probably should've opted for a milder cheese

Not shown is the tare and garlic chicken aroma oil I made to flavor the broth

Niboshi, kombu and bonito flakes for the tare and broth

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