Monday, January 17, 2022


I've been playing this video game series by Studio Atlus called Shin Megami Tensei: Persona. So far the series has 5 main games and I can say without a doubt it's one of the best games I've played in ages in terms of JRPGs. 

At the moment, I've only finished Persona 4: Golden on the PlayStation Vita and have started Persona 5: Royal on the PS4. I plan to play Persona 3 next on the Vita, but each day that passes, it seems I have less and less time to play :( All I can say, the soundtrack for all the games are so good, I time to time add them to my music playlists.

I didn't realize how big the Persona community was until recent and I'm glad to be apart of it now. it's hilarious to see the Persona meme's on reddit and twitter now that I have some familiarity to Persona. 

I feel like 13 year old me again playing these games, just getting lost in the stories and worlds. The game's characters and massages are relatable too, having to deal with themes of acceptance of death, acceptance of self, moving on in life, making and losing friends/loved ones, etc.

There's a few things in life I wish to forget about to experience for the first time again and playing this series would be one of them. 

Thank You, Atlus for making a rad game.

Persona 4: Golden on PSVita

Persona 3 meme lol

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